As we approach summer months gas prices are on the rise. It’s the time of year when we do the most driving. There are many things you can do aside from buying a more fuel efficient car that can help cut down on gas expenses. Here are some tips to help you conserve gas and money.

2. Revving is not cool – Revving your engine just stresses the engine especially when the engine is cold but even if its warm, you’re wasting gasoline not to mention the wear and tear on the engine.
3. Turn off your air conditioner – This is a tough one especially if you’re living in Arizona. When your air conditioner is running you get much worse mileage. Use your air conditioner sparingly. If you have a lower setting, use it. Turn it on until your car gets cool and then use the fan to circulate the cool air. Don’t run the air conditioner while your windows are open. Turn off the air conditioner 5 minutes before you get to your destination and try to park in a shaded area. Remember to open your window at low speeds and using your air conditioner at high speeds gives you better fuel economy.
4. Check tire pressure – Under inflated tires increases fuel consumption so check the air pressure on your tires more frequently. Keep your tires on your car inflated to the manufacture’s recommendation.
5. Idling is not for the car – Try not to idle your engine for long periods of time. When you turn a car on, it uses a bit of gas but when your car is idling, it uses a fixed amount of gas over a period of time. If you foresee your car idling for more than 1 minute, you should consider turning your car off. Pay attention to those times you’re waiting in line or waiting in a driveway.
6. Don’t fill up when the price is high – If you need gas and the price is high, fill with what you need and then return when the gas price drops if at all possible. Filling up at high prices only let the gas companies know that you are willing to pay ridiculous prices for gas. Study the gas patterns of your area. Quite often gas prices go up on a Friday going into the weekend. If that’s a consistent pattern make a habit of filling up on Thursdays.
7. Keep your car tuned up – Cars that are not maintained and are in poor running condition use more gas.
"We hope that these tips will not only help reduce emissions but will leave you with extra change in your pants pocket. Looking for a late model, reliable vehicle? Check out our inventory at