Better Driving Tips to Pile Up Sizable Savings over Time
High gas prices are a constant gripe of car owners these days, with many eager to trade in their gas guzzler for a fuel-efficient model. That’s certainly not a bad idea, but even if you keep your gas guzzler, there are some easy ways – both driving techniques and maintenance -- to improve its fuel economy. By squeezing a few extra kilometers out of every tank of gas that you use, you can pile up sizable savings over time.

Easy on the gas pedal
Don’t floor the gas pedal forcefully whenever you want to accelerate. Every time you make an abrupt, quick or sudden movement, you’re throwing away money. Instead, opt for a smoother driving style. Use light, smooth throttle inputs, not deep throttle blips and full-throttle moves.
Easy on the brake
Keep your eyes focused further down the road. If you spot traffic congestion ahead, don’t immediately hit the brake pedal. Instead, take your foot off the accelerator and coast until you need to brake. When you do brake, ease on the pedal and maintain as much forward motion as possible. It takes more fuel — and, therefore, money — to get a car up to speed than to maintain that speed.
Keep your cruising speed low
Wind resistance increases sharply at higher speeds, so keeping your cruising speed below 105 km/hr will make your gas dollars go further. Use cruise control on highways..
Plan Your Day Smartly
Arrange your daily errands so that you make as many stops as possible in one trip. This approach is especially important in rural areas where you may have to travel long distances to reach your destinations. In more congested environments, also consider the time of day so as to avoid stop-and-go traffic. Idling wastes fuel.
Tune up the engine
A tune-up of your car’s engine can improve its fuel efficiency by 4 percent. A tune-up that fixes a faulty oxygen sensor can result in an improvement of up to 40 percent. Basic maintenance can also affect fuel efficiency. Even something as ordinary as the grade of oil you use can be a big factor. It’s always best to use the manufacturer's recommended oil.
Inflate your tires
Be sure to keep your tires properly inflated if you want to get the best fuel efficiency. Tires that are under-inflated have more drag and need more energy in order to move, Check the tire pressures once a month, because leaks and temperature changes will deflate them. An estimated 17 percent of vehicles on the road have under-inflated treads. Properly inflated tires can boost fuel efficiency by as much as 3.3 percent, plus they are safer and will last longer.
Reduce travel weight
Be sure not to keep heavy items in the trunk of your car when you travel. By reducing the weight by 45 kilograms, you will gain up to a 2 percent increase in fuel efficiency. Rooftop racks are a bad idea, too. Even when they are empty, they increase wind resistance, lowering fuel efficiency by 5 percent.
Follow these tips and you will benefit from less fuel consumption no matter what kind of vehicle you drive.
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