Friday, September 21, 2012

How To Avoid - A School Zone Ticket ?

I read this great article about, just by staying alert how you can avoid being ticketed on school zone and also increase safety among the pedestrians on the school zone during school hours.
After the summer school break, our road conditions as well as the driving conditions change. The roads get busier with school kids and teachers as pedestrians. Also not to mention school buses and parents who are dropping thier kids at school.
So what can we do to keep our roads safe inside school zone?

• Prepare early for a longer commute-  Leave at least 10 minutes earlier, this way you will stay stress free when driving.

• Stay Alert! Yes, keep your eyes open for children walking on the street as they can be very unpredictable. Many kids tend to wear ear-phones or text as they walk. Some kids are very irresponsible and do not even look when they are crossing the road. It’s also our responsibility as drivers to stay alert while driving for any unexpected occurence of any pedestrians. 

• Be patient- well, this is a tricky one to follow. However, make sure you have enough time and well-prepared.

• Use extra care while driving on school zone- watch for cyclists, novice drivers.

• Be prepared what to do when encountering a school bus. Refer to section 175 of the highway act as not following specific guideline may incorporate severe penalties.
For more safety tips and advice please visit


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